At Peter Leow Consulting, we strongly believe in human capital. It can never be made obsolete nor replaced by technology completely. Regardless how advanced technology is, there must be someone manning/servicing the machine at the back end.
We create a conducive environment for our staff to enjoy each day’s work.
This has been the sole driving force that turned a low-profile consulting firm (Peter’s last employment) to one of good repute. Meetings were conducted regularly (i.e. weekly) to check on mental and emotional health status of staff and possible areas of improvement. This enables the team to continue to learn and grow each day.
Peter Leow is proven capable to train and develop staff to international standards. He helped his last consulting firm attained the prestigious ‘ACCA Approved Employer’. This is a public recognition award given to companies that constantly make efforts to promote training and learning at the same time.
Currently, we are the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)’s Authorised Training Employer.
If you are an aspiring individual with a positive learning attitude, please send your Curriculum Vitae to