Our Founder

Mr Peter Leow
CA (Singapore), ASEAN CPA, Singapore 500 Enterprise 2018 Award Recipient
Our founder, Peter Leow is a passionate individual who helped thousands of clients with Annual Compliance Reporting over the last decade in both public (Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance) and private sectors (mid-tier audit firms and banks).
Armed with relevant exposure handling both private and public sectors, Peter Leow is the best person you should consult concerning the adequacy of your financial records and systems that need to comply with statutory requirements.
He had rendered significant assistance to clients who previously had issues with the regulating authority – Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), with relation to under-declaration or erroneous reporting of income caused by an absence of fiduciary duty of care and diligence performed by freelancers or service providers who are ill-equipped with the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS).
Prior to venturing out on his own, he was the Director (Accounting & Taxation) of a top ‘ACCA Approved Employer’ Consulting Firm in Singapore. He spearheaded and groomed a team of professionals over half a decade, serving a thousand clients in the compliance arena.
If you want to do, give it your 100% else do not commit at all.
Peter’s philosophy is to give his best in whatever he does.
His persistency and energy enabled him to rise through numerous career progression in the corporate world with a remarkable track record of 1-2 promotions in each employment. This was evidence of his capability and competency, which was widely recognised in the private and public sectors.
He possesses a steadfast belief in building others up, impacting lives and most importantly, winning isn’t all about personal glory. Instead, it is a consolidated team effort that makes success possible. This stems from his 2.5 years in national service as an Officer Cadet that taught him to place others before self, while moulding his leadership qualities at the same time. For this simple reason, his past teams/staff stayed with him for as long as he helmed the department.
Apart from the numerous promotions and acquiring the prestigious ‘Chartered Accountant of Singapore’ title in 2009, he had the pleasure to groom Junior Executives over the years who rise up to be Managers/Accountants in established Banks/MNCs. Notably, his staff who started with little knowledge benefitted from his Customised Training Programme equipping them with core skills, thereby making it to the Big Four Audit Firms.