Fraud Investigation & Forensic Accounting

Financial crimes had been increasing in the competitive business world today and incessant pressure to deliver better financial results. In addition, Opportunity, incentive and pressure may lead to increased fraud as a result of weakness in internal control threatening the stability and sustainability of any business. Our Fraud investigation & Forensic Accounting service include:-
(1) Fraud Investigation
- • We have a dedicated team of trained auditors and investigators specialising in fraud investigation. The team has experience in investigating fraud cases across different industries and countries.
(2) Forensic Accounting
- • Accounting fraud is a deliberate manipulation of accounting records to create a false impression of financial performance or position.
Examples of Accounting Fraud are:
– Omission of liabilities
– Non-disclosure of risky investments (off balance sheet items)
– Forensic data analytics
– Systematic over statement of revenue or understatement of losses
– Understatement of expenses (capitalising expense)