Our Contributions

You never walk alone
During this time of hardship following the Covid-19 Pandemic and the extended lockdown from 7-April-2020 to 1-June-2020 in Singapore, we would like to render our expertise and assistance to fellow SMEs in need.
We are pleased to offer our *Complimentary* accounting services to selected clients who are struggling with their annual accounts preparation and lodgement with the Regulatory Authorities (ACRA/IRAS).
Over the years, we have been deeply blessed and privileged to render pro bono professional services to organizations (including non-profit ones) as part of our efforts to give back to the society.
Doctors and lawyers like to consult us for professional advices over their compliance matters.
We assisted a top entrepreneur (featured in Channel News Asia) when his freelancer under declared SGD 30,000 in taxes. We aided him fully throughout the 6 months investigation by IRAS and he was let off with a warning. If convicted, he may be charged under the Income Tax Act which entails
a) facing a penalty up to 400% of the amount of tax undercharged;
b) being fined up to $50k and/or
c) being imprisoned up to five years.
We contributed to Singapore as a First World Nation through our intervention and partnership with government regulatory authorities (SPF & MAS) to assert pressure on a global bank whose negligence cost a valued client’s USD 200,000 to be swindled from his bank account. The bank initially feign ignorance, but subsequently took ownership, despite the fact that the case was beyond Singapore waters. It was eventually resolved in under 2 months!
Recently, we aided a soon-to-be-listed client to rectify SGD 100,000 GST discrepancy so they can submit a truthful revised GST return with the Comptroller of Goods and Services Tax. The erroneous return was previously done up by a junior executive.
Pass this on to help someone today.
We like to pass this on and encourage everyone to do their utmost best to spread the love around and stay safe everyone.
ACRA = Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority
IRAS = Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
SPF = Singapore Police Force
MAS = Monetary Authority of Singapore